As a Calgary, Alberta based photographer the phrase “You are expensive” is a phrase I finally accept and welcome calmly after 13 years of not knowing my true worth. I was considered expensive a decade ago by some when I charged $450 for a custom on location family session and delivered $200 edited, high resolution images. I was expensive to others for 14 hours of non-stop wedding day coverage, delivering 800 edited images for $3100. I was expensive to friends when I photographed them for free and charged them only my direct cost of goods for products they wanted - because after all why couldn’t I photograph for free and pay out of pocket for their products also. I was also too expensive even when I did everything completely for FREE because I could have always done MORE within the free offering.

What does it really mean to say that something is expensive? Something is expensive in relation to what? Is it expensive because we personally can’t afford it; is it expensive based on our personal judgment of what we think it should be worth? What is the frame of reference against which we measure what makes something EXPENSIVE. Our previous experience; what we heard from others, what we ourselves are willing to pay for something?

People spend money on what they value! It’s really that simple. We spend money we have and find money we don’t have for things we value all the time. We spend our hard earned dollars on thousands of different items. Whether material things or experiences, we are quick to pay for what we find value in and that value can be completely perceived or real, emotional or tangible. What may be valuable to one person is not valuable to another. What may be too expensive or trivial to some may be the most valuable thing to someone else.

There are people who value and spend thousands of dollars on the latest and greatest technology, gadgets and gear; some are willing to stand in lines spanning days to get the latest, greatest, limited edition must have. A $2000 car and a $100,000 car will both get you to the same destination but many see value in a luxury vehicle. A designer purse performs the same function as a bag from a local lower end retailer but there are people who will spend thousands of dollars on a brand name handbag while others may find the idea preposterous. I have met people who value and spend thousands of dollars on travel and retreats, designer luggage, club memberships, on cosmetic procedures and products in pursuit of constant beauty and youth, designer clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories, on Peleton bikes, charity events and silent auctions, wine, artwork, interior design, fine dining, concerts, their pets, Christmas presents, sporting events etc.

People over indulge on a regular basis on things that are important to them, seeking comfort, convenience, emotional satisfaction and things that bring them joy, meaning or status of any kind. Our decisions are largely driven by and rooted in personal perceptions and emotions. We make decisions rationally. We make them emotionally. What you valued 5 years ago may not be what you value today and what you don’t value today may become the most valuable thing 20 or 30 years from now.

professional and award winning children photography based in Calgary, Alberta

Something being expensive is relative. I am laughably cheap compared to many photographer professionals I look up to, respect and admire in the photographer community as well as to some other local businesses. I may be astronomically expensive relative to your local mall Santa pictures, your 30 second kid school photo snaps, holiday minis or a session in the park you did years ago with a photographer who is no longer in business because they went and got a ‘real job’.

Creative work is unique and highly individual & you will NEVER have two identical experiences or results with different photographers regardless of their expertise, equipment, offering etc. No two photographers have the same view of the world, they will never see you or your family through the same lens, they will never capture identical emotion or message, they will never create the same output even if the inputs are the same. They will not relate to you, communicate with you, serve you or make you feel the same.

During my 20 year corporate career, my total compensation was a symbol of certain status if you will, a representation of my position, title, expertise, respect, years of experience & seeming success. My compensation was viewed as an indirect sign of my ‘worth’ to that employer and it was normalized without much thought or debate by others. However when I transitioned into self-employment & a creative field at that, it suddenly became wrong or even immoral according to some to earn an actual living & be compensated equitably for your work; to be able to support your family, pay your bills and business expenses - while doing what you love. Very skewed perspective I must say but one I have bumped up against a few times now.

Are my services for everybody? Absolutely not. I do not strive to be able to serve everyone nor could I ever possibly do so even if I wanted to. The irony of it all is that the ‘you are/she is expensive’ comments I have most often heard in forms of indirect feedback or rumours from non-clients. I am not for everyone. People who do choose and trust me however very closely align to my personal and business values.

Here are some of the things my clients value:

  • Connection, trust, integrity and commitment to excellence

  • Highly personalized service and client experience

  • Attention, care, empathy and collaboration

  • Experiences that are dynamic, expansive, fun but also meaningful

  • Comfort, inclusivity and freedom to express without judgement

  • Individuality & creativity

  • Curiosity, courage and growth

  • Perspective shifting conversations, self-compassion and self-expression

  • Relatability, responsiveness and cultivating long term relationships

  • Feeling seen, understood and respected

  • Expert guidance, honesty and no pressure or slimy sales tactics

  • Timeless and emotive art that goes beyond the surface

  • State of the art products and tangible keepsakes that come with a lifetime guarantee

  • Commitment to make things right if they are wrong and serve with empathy

It’s unrealistic to expect any business to be able to serve and be the right fit for everyone. However after almost 15 years I can finally say that my worth and value are not negotiable or up for debate with others. I have finally come into my own in terms of knowing who I am as a human being and as a business owner; only I know what it has taken to get here, I have clarity in what I do, how I do it and most importantly WHY! I know my value & worth and I know the value I strive my damn hardest each day to create for those I serve. I am not perfect. Far from it. I am only human and I make mistakes but I put every ounce of my heart and soul into every single aspect of my work and relationships I try to cultivate. I also work incredibly hard to make things right if they go wrong and to have a problem solving, client-centric view where ever possible.

I have never worked harder in my entire life as I do currently in my own business. Running your own business is one of the most undervalued, misunderstood and underestimated ventures on so many fronts. There is no one to figure things out for you when you don’t know something or when you are struggling. You have to be an expert or at least competent in areas you didn’t even know existed or mattered, you have to be the jack of all trades and a specialist at the same time, you end up having to learn and do things you detest the most and what you loved the most and went into business for becomes the last thing on the ladder. You have to juggle endless competing priorities, try to relate to, understand and connect with countless diverse personalities, perspectives and expectations. You have to admit you are wrong even when you know you are not, you have to give grace to people even when they don’t deserve it. You have no set hours for work or rest, your work happens all hours of the day and night. You have to keep up with overwhelming information, content and changing business tides and keep moving forward even on days when you feel like quitting. My greatest investment is in myself, my education, development and growth each year in order to be able to bring my clients the very best. I hold myself to standards that are unattainable by even the most driven, disciplined and rigorous people and believe me when I say no-one’s criticism or expectations out there will ever top the criticism or expectations I hold for myself.

If I am not the right fit for you - someone out there is. I encourage you wholeheartedly to do your due diligence and find services that are right for you, services that ARE reflective of YOUR OWN WORTH and VALUE too.


Advantages of a full Branding Photography Session over Headshots for a competitive Edge?