celebrating the resilience, wisdom and beauty of women over 40

worthy woman 

A photography series inspiring, empowering and celebrating women and their stories


The Second Installation of the Worthy Portrait Series is here. This photography portrait experience is dedicated to empowering, elevating and uniting women over the age of 40 through the art of portraiture & conversation. It’s a call for the brave, ever evolving women to share their personal story, life experiences and perspectives while inspiring others in the process. This series seeks to explore the multi-faceted nature of being a woman, the meaning of true beauty and authenticity; explore the themes of aging, self-acceptance and aims to celebrate women from all walks of life.

Each participant’s portrait and story will be featured in a gallery style exhibition at the end of the project (anticipated date of April 2025). You are invited to a transformative and empowering photography experience. See yourself in a new light.

Be inspired. Inspire others.




In 2023 we photographed 35 women, featuring their soulful portraits and touching stories in an exhibit on March 9th, 2024. Created in support of non-profit Women of Wings Society, local YYC community came together to raise funds for this wonderful organization. With 30 silent auction items, live music, food and self-guided activities, the event was attended by 130 people.

The response to the series was beyond overwhelming and so beautiful that we decided to run our Worthy Woman Series again in 2024. It was originally intended to be a limited series but here we are none-the less.

This is NOT your run of the mill photography session! You are invited to a transformative experience celebrating individuality, authentic beauty and helping women reconnect with themselves in the process. Acknowledge your worth regardless of your appearance, condition or life journey. Partake in self-discovery, exploration and self-expression - celebrate your accomplishments, triumphs and vulnerabilities. We believe in beauty that is not based on youth & perfection but rather beauty that is real, raw and honest. Beauty that speaks to courage to be yourself and to your unique sensibilities. You have permission to love yourself more, to celebrate who you are and how far you have come. You have permission to make more time for yourself, to listen to your inner voice more, to receive kindness, to feel seen, heard & valued. You have permission to make mistakes and be a beautiful and constant work in progress.

THIS IS NOT your average photo session


This series was born out of gratitude and desire to connect with diverse women, encourage honest and meaningful conversations and challenge our collective narrative of worthiness, self-value, aging, identity, purpose and beauty.
— Cedna

Stand in your own power

  • Partake in an experience of purpose, meaning and connection.

  • Come together in the spirit of self-acceptance, inclusivity, empowerment and diversity.

  • Honour your story & embrace your authentic self. Maybe you have gone through a major life event or perhaps you are going through a more subtle transition in life. Mark this point in time; celebrate and acknowledge your journey

  • Inspire yourself and other women to be self-aware, self-respecting and self-validating

  • Enjoy yourself without feeling vein or self-indulgent and put yourself first for a change

  • See yourself through someone else’s eyes

  • Exist in legacy, power portraits that stand the test of time

  • Take part in a transformative and engaging process that will leave you with much more than a static, pretty photo

  • Feel seen, heard, inspired and reconnect with who you are or aspire to be

  • Celebrate your personal or professional milestone(s)

  • Help shift the narrative from self-doubt and criticism to one of being enough

  • Acknowledge that as a woman you are more than a sum of your physical attributes, expectations placed on you and the many roles you play

  • Create and own a portrait that celebrates individuality rather than ignites comparison.

  • Because it’s a beautiful, unique and fun journey - but hey, don’t take my word for it!

For many women, ageing is a blessing and curse at the same time. Grateful we have another year on this planet to create, dream, revel in our accomplishments and a curse recognizing our youth is vanishing quickly before us with a typical selfie to prove it. I was skeptical and anxious at the prospect of having my picture taken as it is and remains one of the most uncomfortable activities for me, generally resulting in me running away or standing behind anyone, to be in their shadow. Cedna prepared me for what to expect for our time together.

She created the most remarkable atmosphere with all types of lighting, the ambiance of calm, and laughter. I was now witness to someone in her complete element and at that moment I observed 100% passion someone can have for their craft – it was the most remarkable experience. I felt she was seeing the true “Me”. “Be myself” who is that anyway I thought.

After a few hours together, I realized I had shared with another human the most vulnerable part of me…. “Me” which had changed me forever.

I cannot express the impact my images have had on my psyche... Without attempting to sound arrogant or with ego, the image of ‘Me” that is reflected back is absolutely not how I have ever seen myself before. For the first time now, I see a much more beautiful, kind and compassionate “Me” outside looking in, than the one I used to focus on...

My time with Cedna and the photos that followed have shifted me... in ways I cannot explain.. it is more than a portrait collection of photographs. It has been a catalyst of this decade to accept and see myself as Cedna has seen me and to continue to see me and my age as a blessing, carrying my wisdom, maturity and adventures in one package. Cedna thank you for this gift!

- Candace B.





I have been a photographer for over 12 years. Every single woman I have ever known has struggled with the notion of not “enough”; not being enough, not feeling like enough in one capacity or another. I’ve seen it all, from feeling as though we are not deserving to take care of ourselves, to not having time because everything and everyone else comes first, to moms always documenting moments behind the scenes and never existing in images with their children, to comments like “I have a double chin so make sure that’s not showing” to “I need to lose at least 10 lbs., can you make me look thinner”; I am too old, too loud, too passive, not interesting enough, not successful enough, smart enough, the timing is not quite right, I am not photogenic, I don’t like my teeth, arms, smile, hair, my pinky finger and the list goes on. Most disheartening perhaps is that at a certain point in life we simply allow ourselves to feel unimportant or insignificant and unworthy of our own time, energy, love and care. As a society we are constantly sold the system of perfection, youth and products that “fix” us. Not many are talking about how to arrive at acceptance of what is and how to identify and explore multi-dimensional beauty which goes beyond the surface; the beauty of being human.

At the age of 37 a series of events disrupted my life, challenged and uprooted my entire sense of identity, my values and completely eroded my self-worth. Through a great deal of personal work, healing, self-development, much struggle and uncertainty I began the process of reclaiming my identity when I turned 40. For that reason I wanted to celebrate other women over the age of 40. My personal journey inspired me to start this portrait series to tell women, to tell YOU - that you are worthy and enough just as you are. You’re worthy of taking up space and honoring your inner voice. You are worthy of your desires, dreams, aspirations, self-love, self-care and your own time and attention. You are worthy of being seen & heard. You have valuable contributions to make in the world. You are worthy of being the most important person in the room - even if just for a day.


This is for any and every woman who is turning 40 this year or over the age of 40 who seeks to inspire, wants to be inspired and is ready to celebrate her life and herself. It is a call for the brave. For the imperfectly perfect women. The uprising women. It’s for women who are not afraid to show their vulnerabiliy, battle scars, strengths and weaknesses, body image acceptance or struggle and the like. It’s for women from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds, all skin tones, shapes, sizes and diverse life views. Bring your unique quirks, your sense of humor, your quiet, contemplative nature, your bold personality. Bring your struggles, pain and your joys, your triumphs and your wisdom. Bring your truth and yourself just as you are. I want to learn from you and be inspired by you.



Below same day transformations are here to demonstrate the power of perspective rather than imply that there is an ideal and a less ideal version of ourselves. Where you see imperfections I see character. Where you see struggle, I see resilience. Where you see what’s on the surface and easily criticize it, I see multi-dimensional beauty, humanity and potential.

I believe that true beauty lies in human connection and allowing ourselves to be be truly seen. It exists in engagement, in the depth of diverse emotions and expressions that we carry; in vulnerability; in letting go and having courage to shift perspective. Beauty is in our experiences, mistakes, lessons learned, in triumph, courage and growth; it’s in our energy, thoughts, talents, personality, style, our kindness, in how we relate to ourselves and others. This honest and multi-dimensional beauty is what is often lost on us when we look at ourselves in the mirror every day. This gallery is here to illustrate that others see us with much more compassion and love than we often see ourselves and we can all use a shift in perspective from time to time. We can all also use more self-love.



    Share your story in this free discovery call. Learn about this unique experience and have your questions answered. Determine if this is the right move for you.


    Collaborative & creative planning process, where who you are, your journey and personal preferences come together to set the mood and overall look you wish your images to portray. Express yourself and your style, add diversity and personality to your images. We will bring together wardrobe and your hair/makeup preferences for maximum impact and visual interest


    You are the most important person in the room. In our intimate studio setting you will be fully guided throughout the entire photo session. No need to think about anything except being present. We will capture what matters while you enjoy full freedom to explore and be unapologetically yourself.


    Not everyone may need or want a full transformation but it’s still wonderful to be taken care of and feel beautiful for a day. Whether it’s a simple, understated look or a full transformation, enjoy a day in the hands of some of the best artists in the industry.


    Most of the work is done through intentional lighting and direction, however incorporating our artistic vision is what we are passionate about. Your final images will be professionally edited with highest attention to detail, while ensuring you still look like yourself.


    Appointment to view your portraits in person and select your favourite images. We will guide you in selecting the best portraits and products to display your beautiful images. No hard sell or salesy gimmicks, you are fully in control. Walk away with only what you love.

  • $1000 Credit

    Receive a $1000 credit towards purchase of your portraits and/or products. Each purchased portrait comes in both print and digital version. Choose from state of the art products hand-crafted by world vendors and meticulously curated by us. We believe in tangible art that deserves to be passed on through generations and have searched the world to bring you the best. One portrait selected by the photographer will be used for the Exhibit display.

  • private exhibit + photo magazine

    Upon completion of the series, a private exhibit event will be hosted featuring each of the fabulous women photographed. You will receive 1 complimentary ticket to attend the event.

    You will be also featured in a custom magazine profiling your story along with the stories of other participants and will receive one copy of our custom magazine.


I invite you to share your unique voice, point of view, that quirky laugh or eclectic style, your understanding of joy and pain and everything in between. I invite you to engage, explore, honor, listen, learn, question, express and embrace. The collection and depth of your personal experiences adds color, dimension and diversity to the world. You are valued. Inspire other women to see their value too.

The relationship we hold with ourself is the foundation of EVERYTHING in life


I have struggled my entire life to truly see myself, love myself and feel valued and worthy. The most disheartening part – I wasn’t even aware of it. I was blessed enough to be surrounded by exceptional women, however like me they also often failed to recognize their worth and power. My critical thoughts gave birth to faulty beliefs and actions.

I have come to learn that self-love is an art form, much like photography, paining, dance or poetry, it is always evolving and requires valuable inputs in order to yield joy and fulfilment. It requires good habits, self-care but most importantly curation of one’s thoughts. I believe that women are powerful, multi-dimensional and relevant regardless of their age or condition and that we should be celebrated for more than our appearance. I believe that we often don’t see ourselves the way that others perceive us and that it’s important to be aware of our own biases.

I love photographing women because their courage, strength and resilience is ever inspiring to me. Whether you feel invisible, fully empowered or somewhere in between, I invite you to join me in this exciting exploration of what it means to be a woman in this day and age and see yourself through new eyes. When we share our struggles and perspective with other women who have had similar experiences, we gain clarity, perspective, wisdom and strength.

Ever since I was a child I have been a strong believer in the beauty of authentic human character. I also grew up surrounded by timeless portraits of my grandparents and ancestors which seemed to forever whisper from the walls. I wanted to revive the lost art of portraiture and bring back the beautiful legacy of timeless portraits but add depth and meaning to them by combined the often untold personal stories of the people I photograph.


Did you know that the global beauty industry, as of July 2019 was valued at $532 billion worldwide. This already astounding figure is likely significantly higher today. During a 2017 study, American women were found to spend nearly a quarter of a million dollars on their appearance in their lifetime (age 18-78) - an average of $3,756 a year. Combination of spa/salon appointments, cosmetics, skincare purchases and treatments drive our incessant need to invest in physical appearance in an attempt to aspire to be a better version of ourselves. While empowerment comes in many forms and we support any empowered choice, we want to merely challenge women’s perceptions of themselves and offer an experience that for once doesn’t attempt to “fix” anything, but rather celebrates what is.


How much would you invest to not have to fix anything about yourself. To not try to be anything other than who you already are and embrace it fully? To have legacy artwork for yourself, your family, children that’s worthy of being remembered for generations? To have a platform to have your story heard and to inspire other women in the process?

The scope of our exhibit and this initiative has grown since the first series and include a charitable portion where we support a local charity through the event, a refined, elevated exhibit with food, live music, gallery style artwork and giveaways rivalling most major events in the city.

This unique experience is being offered at special rate of $1490 (including a $1000 credit towards purchase of your portraits, collections or products)


All sessions will be taking place at our Calgary studio. The timeline for the series is Jan 10, 2024 until February 14, 2025. All sessions must be scheduled and photoshoots completed within this time frame. Sessions take place from Monday to Friday 9:30am to 3:30pm


The entire experience from initial Consultation to delivery of final product is highly collaborate, fun and built around your engagement and participation. To get the most out of the experience your input, energy and views are of great importance. On average you can expect to invest 12-16 hours of your time on this experience not including the final art exhibit.


By participating you agree to all of the following:

  • YOUR STORY being featured. Sharing your questionnaire answers and being interviewed by Cedna before/after the photo session (may include a video interview).

  • Your story & photos being published on our website, blog & social media and final gallery exhibit so we can share your voice and inspire others.

  • You will be asked to sign a model release for your images allowing for them to be used in the final gallery exhibit, to promote this and future similar series and possibly other formats

  • Taking a before-styling image prior to hair, makeup, photoshoot and/or providing a cell phone image of your own choosing

share this experience with a friend or family member

receive a $100 CREDIT towards purchase of your own PORTRAITS


Bookings will be treated on a first come, first serve basis. Once we fill the available spots, we will create a wait list of interested women and may consider doing another similar edition of this campaign in the future.

Please fill out the form to get started and Cedna will reach out to you for your complimentary consultation.

In the meantime, give some thought to how you would like to be photographed and what this experience would mean to you. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

I look forward to meeting you and sharing this journey with you. I cannot wait to photograph you.



    403.829.4716 (call, text of email) info@cednaportraitstories.com